
the fam

okay, i know it's downright silly that i haven't managed to figure out how to post pictures until now. really, really sad in fact. but, here it is, my first blog picture! i will probably end up going crazy posting images for a while now. this picture is of our crazy, mixed-up, blended "fam". we went to the minnesota state fair together this summer. it was a lot of fun! the two "white kids" are mine, and the two "tan kids" are the bf's. (those are his names for them, not mine) all in all we blend together very well. the boys like to gang up on ky once in a while, but i am there to stick up for her! it's funny, but if anyone else picks on her the boys are the first to defend her. typical of siblings, i suppose...though technically they aren't siblings yet. i think we are very lucky that everyone gets along as well as they do. we will all be cooped up in the house this weekend, playing video games, watching movies, reading books...trying not to strangle one another. no really, i joke about it, but i'm sure it will go just fine.

1 comment:

Maurey Pierce said...

Adorable kids!!! Oh, and you, too.